
Wordlink supports the volunteer work of the following institutions:

Translators Without Borders: The values and vision of this international NGO aim for a more linguistically inclusive world, increasing awareness of the importance of languages and bidirectional communication in human rights, development, and humanitarian work.

ABRATES Mentoring Program: The mentoring program of the Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters guides professionals with up to two years of experience or final-year students in Translation, Interpreting, or Language courses on practical aspects of the market. Its objective is to help build and elevate the quality standards of the translation and interpreting market, fostering ethics and respect within this community.

Pestalozzi do Brasil – Mangueira Unit: The Pestalozzi Foundation of Brazil promotes education, social assistance, and therapeutic treatment for children, youth, and adults with disabilities.


Wordlink is concerned about the environment and responsibly disposes of all its non-functional electronic equipment, supporting the following local institution:

E-lixo-RJ: Following Law No. 12,305 – the National Solid Waste Policy enacted in Brazil in 2010, it promotes responsibility for the proper disposal of electronic waste among waste generators: manufacturers, importers, distributors, retailers, and consumers.